Exercise breaks on your computer

Illhealth resulting from sedentary, static or monotonous work causes major problems for the individual while also entailing high costs for companies and society each year. Pausit offers ergonomic exercise breaks on your work computer, an effective, easy-to-use and inexpensive tool that prevents work-related ailments and increases well-being in the workplace.

Prevents occupational injuries

•  Reduces stress
•  Provides relief for stiffness and aches
•  Prevents ill health and occupational injuries
•  Results in improved concentration and increased productivity
•  Creates a sense of community and contributes to a more positive work environment

Personal exercise programme

With Pausit you can choose when, how often and how long you wish to exercise. You can also choose what type of exercises best suit your needs. You are either given a mixed selection of exercises or you can choose a focus area, for example your neck or back.

Facts on Pausit

•  Low cost per user
•  Easy to install and use
•  Keeps statistics on completed exercises
•  Choose between a female and male instructor
•  Pausit is available in Swedish, English, Norwegian, German and Dutch.
•  Over 100 exercises developed in consultation with physiotherapists, ergonomists and orthopedic specialists
•  Breath and relaxation exercises developed with Lars-Erik Uneståhl Ph.D. President of SIU
•  Contains both stretches and mobility exercises for your whole body
•  Reminds you when it is time to exercise
•  Choose your own program

Mental training

In our latest version we have through a collaboration with Lars-Eric Uneståhl, Dipl. psychologist and PhD in psychology, also developed a number of breathing and relaxation exercises that complement the program in a good way. Lars-Eric is one of the psychologists in Sweden who introduced mental training and through these exercises you get the chance to unwind and get to know your body in a simple way. If you want to know more about his business, you can find information about them at the following link. www.unestaleducation.se

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